integracer, thats what I'm looking for this week or next. If not, guess I'll go back to my worrying pattern, but never giving up here. I'm still convinced there are enough smart investors out here who realize we could be the only game in town and will make something happen. I also still maintain my 100% confidence in management. I-dud would laugh at my posts but we shall see. I do not believe NorthCal is the answer to all our problems and I do not believe Triton is the competitor we thought they were. And I believe there are money people would think the same. I believe a concessions is probably 99% nailed down and will be announced soon. Just having a secured concession would relieve himr of alot of pressure and definitely secure some attractive funding. Probably take a few months to build a new Tigerlynk but in the interim our PPS will go up and stabilize till we can start harvesting. JMHO JB