the confusion is understandable at this phase of the info tumbling cycle,made worse by shorters purposeful attempts to confuse w other things that are b.s. like the geo case
we are merely getting a jump on the prospectus and financials and sec reg statement which will be issued by the new controlling interest in maybe 30 days? and give everybody the info they need in plenty of time to make decisions
we are vetting the new interest-they have money but we arent sure exactly who they are yet-working on that
they have already invested a lot in a working mine w scores of millions of dollars inventory and the equipment necessary to ship a panamax ship like just left every two months at rates of production- and ramp that up esp w 200,000 tons of sinter fines and fert
they have a HUGE amount of non-producing concessions over 1.15 million acres-but CWRN would be their flagship as their only producing concession
it would appear Brad Resnick is the new man in charge-I think the woman whose name much of Navials concessions are in- boileve romano etc-is the wife of Brad-just as Sharon w multiple Mexican names as a Mex national is Bobs wife-- as Rich Girl has explained latin girls keep their last names.
so Brads wife would then be a Mex national also-something the Mex govt used to require for ownership and headship of Mex subs
they wouldnt have to deal w a lot of millstones bob and co have had to deal with because of the bad JV and because CWRN/Bob were politically targeted-see prior posts