So, What does this all mean? This stuff is just way to complicated and inticate for my simple brain. Does this mean that we have a company. a profitable on going business. Is there a chance of making any money on this. Or is this the dog that I was always afraid it would turn out to be.
By my calculations, as far as I can tell. we will own shares valued at .90 cents. is this a $5. stock or a $o.0009 stock in the future. ?????
I actually wrote to the company, and asked them if they are seriously going to be a profitable viable business. Or are they some kind of fly by night sceem to make money for the owners, and screw the shareholders? It isnt my first day, but I thought I would ask. When I asked Bob years ago, he answered. And althogh It didnt turn out the way he said, I did make money at 3 cents. LOL
Thanks for the info.