for every 1000 cwrn shares- this is not the r/s pennytraders are familiar w and so psychotically afraid of -
because this co will have profitable operations without a JV partner keeping the receipts allegedly for themselves-cwrn was profitable too as seen by many millions in equip purchases but due to a series of unbelievable mr murphys ran into a cash crunch-
and should be able to grow faster without those limitations and they already have a lot of inventory-reportedly 200000 tons of waste byproducts sinter fines and fert alone w fert worth more than iron-see bingos posts and past posts on other board
as noted in 6-25-12 PR govt cancelled permit just before cwrn was going to ship dec 2011-then required nationwide to catch illegal mines a new series of audits which took to mar 6 to finish and then quarantined ore and sued to confiscate the ore due to the delay caused by the govt themselves-a suit cwrn won-thus ore just shipped
also they planned on shipping fert in Aug 2012-see bingos posts-only to find as part of new tough regs designed to catch the illegal south mainland mines that they would need an iron ore permit for fert also-see bingos 9-8-12 post I just reposted recently
then the Mex july pres elections were contested in ct all the way to mex supreme ct which stopped all govt permits-then lame duck govt til dec 1 2012-so their income/shipping was blocked- again a never before seen series of events nobody could predict or prepare for