Hawk.....welcome back.....now just hear me out.....
Every spring I turn over the garden and plant a few seeds. The first day...when you look at it....it is just a pile of dirt. And you are right....AT THIS TIME....it is just dirt. But I know, in a few months from now, IF I DO THE RIGHT THINGS, I am going to have more tomatoes than I can eat.
So for the first few weeks I water and fertilize and keep a close eye on things. I spend a lot of time doing things that don't directly and immediately result in tomatoes, but I do them to make the results a few months from now that much better.
This is what "we" shareholders are doing now. Yes....look at Baltia today and you see "a tiny little airline want-ta-be." But nurture it....through your own spreading of the word, through facebook, through the hangout, through the media...and it WILL grow. Don't focus on RESULTS NOW and assume that nothing is being accomplished. I just checked....no tomatoes on the vines yet....but that doesn't mean it won't happen.
Bottom line: Nurture Baltia now, don't expect immediate results, and you will reap the benefits of your efforts.
Keep this in mind....WE HAVE NEVER, EVER had this level of INTERACTION with Baltia Airlines in the past.......NEVER!!!!!!!
We have seen more of Baltia's progress in the last 4 weeks than in the sum of all the prior history of Baltia...and every day we are exposed to a little more. Sure....a picture of a van or a private plane doesn't double the pps in one day....but nor does a cup of fertilizer in the morning give me tomatoes when I come back home from work that evening.
Give it time. Very fortunately....right now....there are a lot of investors and Baltia Airline's employees and friends and relatives working to ensure that someday..........you are going to have more tomatoes than you know what to do with.
My friend.....I truly did not expect BLTA to be trading over 2 cents at this time, but it seems to be holding its own. For me .023 to .025 is like seeing that first bud that I know will turn to flower and later to fruit...just give it time....and keep nurturing it. What you do today to help spread the word about Baltia and its progress WILL translate into better days ahead.
More patience.....but just notice that no one is counting bottles anymore. Everyday there seems to be something exciting for us to look forward to.....and everyday we hold the promise that when we do advance into the next phase, this time around.....WE WILL KNOW ABOUT IT. Enjoy the enlightenment you are receiving about the company right now, and don't think about the pps. It will follow along nicely when the time is right..............