Virmmac, respectfully, we can all add one plus two. I asked you to provide a calculation to this board on what the number of shares would be should all Class A, B, and C shares be converted to Common. Remember, you stated this should not be a concern for us. Please provide the actual number so all shareholders can make up their own minds. They then can judge for themselves if this is so trivial as you just stated.
Also, please explain why the conversion of BILLIONS of shares to common will in no way cause harm to the small investor. Also, if the market is absorbing this enormous number of shares, then who is buying them, and why is the share price in the pits? If arrangements have been made for large investors to absorb the conversion, then why at the lowest possible price? As most small investors know, the lowest possible price hurts the small investor.
One more thing, we were told the OS was down to 4.189 BILLION just recently.