Hi Again Secco,
The Gold will be purchased by OODH from our own division at a huge discount to daily spot prices (Only for accounting purposes - and in case we decide to have an APO/IPO on Auvek - as we (OODH) wholly-own both operations) . Anyhow, we have tossed around figures of 70% of spot to 80% of spot... but no more than 80% (85% was on the table for a while but pulled since we want our OODH shareholders to get a good deal on the product for investment grade purposes).
The Alluvial Placer Gold will be refined by Essential Refiners, and made into 1, 5 and 10 ounce bars.... the Bars will have AuVek Mining Co. Name stamped on top but will also include the OODH company logo (as seen below). Some larger nuggets, 3 grams on up, may be sold for jewelry use as determined by the RMO. Nuggets sold as jewelry grade can sometimes fetch 200% more in price over current spot.
The refined investment grade .9999 Millesimal Fineness Gold bars are what I want for our holdings, this is to back our shares with investment grade gold, making OODH a better investment than the U.S. Dollar. The goal, by doing so, is to present such information to certain institutional investors who we hope to bring on-board with OODH by the end of 2013. If we succeed in accomlishing the aforementioned, our shareholders will be rewarded in more ways than one.
Hope this helps.
Randy Hoff
Chairman & CEO
P.S. No worries about getting frustrated... our shareholders are due for some real good updates, financials being the biggy. You should see how pissed I get when things don't go my way ! Right now.... I'm pretty confident we are on track to meet our goals for the first year of being publicly traded. ONLY 49 MORE YEARS TO GO to catch up to Warren's 50 year old run up as CEO of BRK/A ! LOL