yes-officially dredged to 16 meters (ca 46 feet) in navigation areas and 14.5 meters at commercial loading berth is very impressive for a port of this size-since San Francisco is only 30 feet and until recently 40 ft was the definition of a deep water port and 53 feet is deepest west coast port I could find- recent extension in LA to 53 ft
it drives the operators of the Panama canal absolutely crazy that shipbuilders build Panamax ships so close to max dimensions of the canal and forces such traffic to be 1 way in places rather than the designed 2 way traffic-especially when those dimensions are lost when going thru the canal because the depth limitations reportedly limit ships to ca 52000 tons of cargo in the Canal anyway and as u can see w the Ilia its DWT is ca 256 tons over 80000 feet(w 80000 being reported top size limit for a Panamax
shipyards/builders are arrogant constantly building ships w drafts greater than ports capacity so ports have to keep playing a game of catchup-the new monster 400000 ton vale ships have a draft of 72-75 feet -which is more than the listed depth of ANY port in world-so Vale after winning out over domestic Chinese iron assoc-which tried to block Vale ships-has to build its own terminal in China-games-and last I knew had to load its own ships in Brazil offshore -where they had a mishap w the 1st ship