I just saw goldenfinger post on Ihub.
All I will say is that they have to issue the permit within 120 days of when SFRX requested permission for the the permit back in February. They have had their 21 days to protest the permit. They didn't and even though they didn't respond they can not stop the permit process under law from being permitted. The timeline in drawn in the sand. You do the math.
First of all, they can stop the permit from being issued! All it takes is one agency to stop SFRX in its tracks when the permit/project threatens to endangers something.
Second, those 21 days (could be 15 to 30) is for a public hearing period, and has nothing to do with other agencies.
Third, I did the math and those 60 to 120 days start from the Receipt of Complete Application date, which was on March 19, not February!
" A Standard Permit is required when a proposed project does not meet the criteria to qualify for a General Permit, Nationwide Permit, or Letter of Permission. A Standard Permit usually has a 21-day comment period under public noticing, though it can be as short as 15 days or up to 30 days. A copy of the permit drawings and a description of the project are mailed out to the adjacent property owners and the applicant and their consultant. All other interested parties have to access pending public notices from the web. Processing time for these types of permits is usually 60 to 120 days from the receipt of a complete application in non-controversial projects. Controversial or larger projects may take longer."
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