USACE = between 60 & 120 days (+-) after the application date, which was March 19
FDEP Feb 20. Usually they need 60 days, which has past by more than a week now.
I first asked Benny if another permit is needed to go from Dig and Identify to Full Salvage.
Our Standard General Permit will allow for all phases of recovery.
Benny Luedike, ESIII | FDEP | Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program
Office 561-681-6646 View Scanned ERP Files in OCULUS: Documents | DEP Business Portal
| 15 apr. (12 days ago) | | ||
There will likely be some reporting requirement for after the permit is issued, but there will not need to be any major item submitted. They will have to obtain an Easement from our Division of State Lands, which we process for the most part here. This is usually a 30 day delay from when our permit is issued! The same day I issued the permit out of West Palm Beach is the same day I send the easement documents up to Tallahassee for easement process…
Benny Luedike, ESIII | FDEP | Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program
Office 561-681-6646 View Scanned ERP Files in OCULUS: Documents | DEP Business Portal
If you don't mind I have a couple follow up questions so to understand the process well. For instance, when you said" This is usually a 30 day delay from when our permit is issued! "
Do you mean that this 'Easement' is send out directly after the Standard Permit is issued,... or is it when Seafarer goes from Dig and Identify Phase to Full Salvage?
The same day I issue the permit is the same day I send up the easement documents to Tallahassee for legal review, processing, execution, etc. Tallahassee will do their thing and send to Seafarer for execution, in which after Seafarer signs and sends it back, Tallahassee will execute their portion of the easement, then send the fully executed easement back to applicant. So if the permit is approved by say May 10 it will take another full month before Seafarer will be allowed to do blow sand.