they know they need to reduce OS-see Nov 2010 and 2-28-11 PR's re buyback of 60% of float and commensurate retirement of 60% of insider shares and my article on that in Maxs dd summary-there are 2 types of r/s-the one penny traders are concerned with is when a co has no revenue and slips away into oblivion-
CWRN has said they wont do that type of r/s and CWRN has a high profit margin-ore was only 10-14/ton til 2002 so thats why so many illegal mines sprung up once a market model took over in 2008 and prices rose as high as 192/ton
if they did a r/s it would only be to uplist -e.g OTCQX requires min pps of 10 cents and big boards require initial pps of $ 2 except perhaps for baby nasdaq but I would expect uplisting only to OTCQB at first and that would not require any changes in the share structure and would open a much larger pool of investors
Nov 17 2011 PR said no shares issued since 2010 and they've publicly said wont dilute- wouldnt make any sense at this pps- at lagging pps such as this its SOP for companies to buyback undervalued stock for many reasons-
I dont even know if a r/s is allowed w this classification-w all the ever tighter rules I kind of doubt it