Hey Struc!! Allot of deep thought in those two paragraphs.
Here is my two cents for what it is worth. First of all not sure what the details of the binary option are, or what time period it will be based on. Hard to project anything as far as pps goes for now and it is at best pure speculation, a year or two down the road? That is just difficult for me to see right now with so many variables.
The potential for EVDR is definitely there, with the right management, marketing, successful implementation of the product in the real world... the sky is the limit with this stock. Of course we have to crawl before we can walk, so lets start with concluding the lawyer end of things. And see what effect the Visys merger has on the pps in the short term. I think in 6 nmonths to a year we will have a much better idea of the future and the pps.