So, Steeler... if the lawyers allow us to go w/ Binary Options .. then we would actually have to use our own trading platform to trade or set up thru MMG site a Binary options trading platform... or will the stock price just run that much higher via MMG's mechanism used for binary option trading.. that is what has me confused.. it appears MMG would have to set soemthing up and that vehicale aolne would give us the extra pps increase???
I still dont see why longterm this stock can't see 10 cents on it's own just based on EVDR productivity adn revenue increase.. i mean MMG just stated they were signing up Robots in hospitals in Florida.. i mean wasnt the ROR for one Robot like 188k$ genreated in one year...well one year to pay for it 2nd year we make that.. seems like 20 robots put to work over a year.. or 40 robots..40 Xs 200k is 8 mill.. that would seem viable.. plus Visys revenues adn worth. combine maybe with a share buyback.. in 18 months 2 years.. we coul dhave a nice stock seems like MMG is stating all that isnt possible.. or where they just referring to the shorterm run... in stating OTC is a "no-net gain" entity... thats what has me confused.. CHIME in here LION.HAWK..anyone.... thanks. News of these contracts.. news of robot production.. Visys related news.. i still think 5-10 cents viable one year out...????? I def. stick around for 10 cents in 2 yrs.. i'd like to get some longterm info/input/guidance from MMG or EVDR>.