JMO, but when I read a post like this: , especially in light of today's current situation:
As far as throwing gas on the fire over there. When I saw the most famous basher come on the board, of course I threw gas on that fire . Then I fanned the flames . These people are ridiculous buffoons. Read Sun Tzu. The best then can do is talk about a company I worked for 20 years ago, or an article written 16 years ago. They are a joke. (I hope they come over and read this and get all mad and post 100 things about me on that board so we become one of the most read board again.)
Bottom line is, when we file and we layout our plans and our progress, there is nothing they can say that can ever effect again. Nobody we do business with cares about faceless paid message board bashers. We are so deeply entrenched now with our partners and people that work with us that there will be an entirely new crowd of people that will become shareholders because they know our company and the people running it . They, like many of you, will hold long term and be with us for an amazing journey.
I hate when people come over here and try to play their games and be disrespectful to you guys.
Samblis riled em up and admitted to it. He poked the rat in the cage with a stick until it was in a tizzy, and then let it out. And after all is said and done, we, as shareholders are the ones that are being handed our butts on a silver platter.
Ummm, so I think I will give a pass to Plutus and company. Especially since everyone is acting like this is a grade school playground anyway.
What's different about the "bashers" and management at this point? Since I can't draw a distinction, I say, let 'em play