News soon?
Anyone have an opinion on the chances of management coming out with news this month?
There are only six more trading days for the month of April. In the last PR, more than a month ago, it was suggested that more units would be delivered and by the end of last year we were told by the CEO that the audited 10K was going to be filed once the Q4 (2012) figures were completed and audited. Well, it's almost May 2013 at this point. How many months does it take to audit a 10K filing with Q4 figures included? Supposedly the audit began in the summer of last year. In one or two months when the summer comes around it will have been an entire year since those promises were announced by the CEO.
Allinder continued, “We still are expecting delivery of 2500 more CANNAcig and Cumulus units in the next month..." ... "We will be announcing the name of our new vaporizer in short order." ... "we have begun negotiations with other vaporizer companies to explore ways of working through joint marketing agreements...
As soon as we are fully reporting, we will have the capital to expand and broaden Rapid Fire Marketing’s business significantly."
Where is the audited 10K????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do or do not, there is no try.