I don't know about that. Nothing wrong with a 'grand entrance' if it comes down to that, IMO. He is still 'on time' as long as it is out by the 15th. That's what the extension allows for. As to when it is released, he does have some leeway.
Steve is not worried about the flippers here. So whatever happens today doesn't much matter. He's just focused on growing the business and know the PPS will eventually come along with that. Some around here are, I-M-O, too focused on the short term and as such are not truly investors in the company.
Volume is low. No one is selling - except shorts to themselves. Ankle biters all the way. I'm holding my shares tight and buying more when I can. That pattern hasn't changed for me in over a year!
Like any investment, there is risk. But with PNCH, I can see where it's going. I can see what Steve and Joe are doing. And I believe they will be successful with what they are doing.
Steve is a visionary -- look at the new 'social media' rules! He was posting on FB and Twitter well before others came around.
So, my money is on him (literally and figuratively) to make it work!