Hello Gus,
Im reading and enjoying the post's, been a lurker here for abit as the fundamentals haven't changed and i still believe we are in for the chance of a decade here with a company that seems to have righted the ship and is heading in the right direction. Posting will start to pick up when we get some firm news.
I still like the last PR from BMSN, and i can really appreciate that they are outlining where they are heading for the next 4 Q's, not many OTC Co's out there willing to be that transparent.
Until news, its all quiet on the Western Front. I hope all the Longs here have a great weekend and enjoy their families and interests.
Me? Im going to drink some awesome central Cali wine, Watch my kids play baseball, Watch my Giants dominate MLB, See my girlfriend Naked and not worry about a thing because BMSN is going to make me rich soon!
BMSN long and strong!