Two things before I call it a night as it is around 11:30 EDT:
1. These price shifts mean next to nothing to me as I am here for the big haul, if it happens. In the land of pennies and sub-pennies in the OTC arena manipulation is not only expected, it is going to happen. So let it. When BMSN does what they say they are going to do then all this B.S. and all the messages by the kids not old enough to have an ID means nothing. Progress is where it is at. Till then I really do not care if we see trip zero's as that would be a temporary manipulation and the only thing we can do about it is to really know what we are holding and, if we believe this to be an exception in the land of thieves, hold, hold, hold. Maybe even buy more.
2. Here are the board stats for the Investor Hangout BMSN for today at the current time. It is going on midnight so these stats will pretty much close enough for todday:
WTF...Only 12 board marks with 15 posts (that is a record for daily posts here) and 743 board views???
Who is reading this board? I know that the friendly pukes at the convicted criminal board of iHell visit here. That is how I got banned so fast over there. Who else is reading these posts?
On closing for the night...If you are taking candy from a baby and raiding your kid's Easter basket remember to brush your teeth! lol