All is well, though the market looks weak technically doesn't it? I believe if we see volatility begin to come back and the negative sentiment take hold, the markets could sell off. Interesting that for a long time the US Dollar down meant equities and commodities went up ("risk ON"), but now that has seemingly transitioned into US Dollar up and stocks up, bonds down and risk currencies down which almost makes me think that perhaps US equities are beginning to look more like safe havens for global investors rather than risky assets, which makes sense if one considers that in the end game, corporations will typically be more solvent than governments so why buy TBills and government paper which is getting diluted at $85B per month or more with negative real interest rates when you can buy stocks of great companies trading at average market multiples with 4%+ dividend yields?!
As for RFMK, I believe I have vented long enough about the failures of the CEO so I will quit that nonsense but I think it is imperative for RFMK followers to remain fair and balanced. While it is true that the CEO has made promises about transparency (10K, audit, etc) which he has not delivered on, it is also true that quarterly financials have been posted over time on the OTC market site and the annual report came out albeit just in time, of course. Also the company has blown long terms shareholders positions out of the water (so to speak) by the massive ongoing dilution, though at the same time, shareholders do have considerations like two products launched, tons of exposure and marketing, building distribution networks and websites, research and development of a new dry herb vaporizer, NO company DEBT, good inventory levels, etc. So IMO its not all bad but its not all good either. Of course as a shareholder I could have many things to complain about, that's what shareholders do, we complain.
Fake people can manage whatever image they wish, it does not change anything nor does it change the facts of the dynamics going on with the company or stock. I believe too many on other boards have a false sense of how important they are and how much real affect or influence they really have over the few regulars of whom visit the boards of unknown micro cap pinky start up stocks daily. Anyone saying anything positive occasionally is called a shill or a pumper yet they seem to have no lives and round the clock every single day for years on end they pound the table with the dilution arguments and insinuations that company executives are liars and have no intention of creating anything real for investors but instead are just touts who are looking to rob investors blind via dilution. Its too obvious what their bashing agenda is all about IMO. Its too easy to criticize a micro cap start up company for ongoing dilution, you could say the same about ANY of the thousands of micro cap pinkies out there in the so-called scum swamp. However in my opinion, that still does not excuse the CEO from not delivering on promises made and a lack of forward progress in regards to accomplishments on the corporate side. As a shareholder, of course I am pissed off, I would think any REAL shareholder would be right now. Allinder has been talking about an audited 10K since August 22nd 2012!!!!!!!!
Even long term investors can only wait so long though for real corporate accomplishments to actually happen, so I just thought it would be in the spirit of my usual openness about my own situation and opinions to inform the other followers that I myself will likely no longer be a shareholder soon should this sad state of affairs continue to very much longer. My original cut-off date was Jan 1 2013, after nothing seemed to happen when the MJ vote went through, then I figured I would give the CEO the benefit of the doubt and wait another couple of months, but alas, nothing has happened, and I can admit when I am wrong about an investment, though I typically give it a REAL chance to succeed, rather than flipping in and out every day in a position which I must say is HIGHLY RISKY. I have never called anyone names but I have and will call certain posters out as being obvious BASHERs should they continue to pound the table every single day of their lives about the same old dilution arguments and their insinuations and innuendo about their OPINION that the company is nothing more than a scam. Such talk is useless and such posts are deleted. Period.
I could not care less if people are fake or real, if they buy/sell or hold, if they sit on the sidelines or actively trade the stock, if they are perma bears or perma bulls on the RFMK story. All I care about is mitigating the extremes, so if other boards and/or this board become extremely BULLISH with 90% of posts being pumps and ridiculous posts about "going to the moon", "going to $1", etc, then folks would likely find that most of my posts would be pointing out negatives, but up to now we have witnessed most of the poster"s" being quite negative about RFMK so that partly explains why for so long I have remained upbeat and positive. At this point though, unless the CEO really finally provides shareholders with real (audited) transparency about the dilution that has happened over the last 12 months, where the money has been spent, etc (10K) then I will certainly no longer be a shareholder. I will not become a basher, and I will continue to moderate the board so as to allow fair and balanced discussion. As for phony fake people attacking me personally all the time and attempting to create doubt, fear and confusion/chaos, it will not work, those tactics only work on the weak minded. Much to learn of the force they still have. I will express my opinions in any way I wish and the reading skills of some which are too poor to understand or do not have enough focus to have the reading comprehension needed to fully understand my prose then so be it, like you expressed in the quote, I "just don't give a $&%!".
Slimy, mudhole, my home this is!