First off..
"Also, who are you to declare that product sales will always lag expectations? Whose expectations? Yours, mine? You know the future of all potential sales for this company? Wow!
In reference to the "Accusatory Tone" of the original statement about sales lagging expectations. It most certainly is not something to be critical of..mainly because there is now "Proof" of the same based on historical performance and widely shared expectations, over the course of the last year.
In reference to your statement about the original $700K looking to have already been paid out in shares??? Let us call a spade a spade.. could not the same accusation you shared, be directed at one's own statement.???
To further my position, one's claim that the original $700K was paid of in shares some time ago.. (around the time of the last significant RFMK OS increase perhaps?).. I put up some DD on the Hub, that explained why I thought there could be as many as 800M shares in dilution, to finally pay off the $700K... Would you like me to share that DD here... It may provide some insight that you could have overlooked in performing your own due diligence???
Please let me know, I would be happy to share it with you and this Board!
Have a Fine Day Elite.
By course of this post being "Blown Away"... it is "Bigotry" that shall be Revealed!
Dare I say, it has been on display at this board for quite some time now!