No, your assessment of my view of reality about RFMK is incorrect because I have for some time now been frustrated with the CEO and the lack of transparency as well as ongoing dilution. Indeed, ever since Oct 2012 I stated that I halted my accumulation and just became a holder of stock because of the lack of audited financials and ongoing dilution. I made it very clear that the CEO's failures were unfortunate for shareholders but also made the point that while some dilution was good and necessary, too much dilution, at too great a pace along with no audited financials explaining where investor funds are going is a sad state of affairs for investors and is basically a bottomless pit which serves to be un-investable. I think it is important that all investors make their own buy and sell decisions over time and have their own planned activity based on scenarios whereby they become sellers, holders or buyers. I shared my views when I was a buyer, I shared my views when I became a holder and now I am sharing my view that without immediate real transparency and delivery on promises made by the CEO, the stock has in my view become a bottomless pit. That is the reality and as a long I have no problem with admitting the facts but also know that this was a long time coming, this has not happened over night, rather it has been a slow bleed of shareholder monies and IMO it is a disgrace.
I do not see how you can declare that definitively there will never be a Form 10 or audited financials. No one knows the future. If that is your opinion then you are entitled to it but I do not share that view. I happen to still think or at least hope that Allinder will at some point deliver on those promises but who knows when it could ever happen, I certainly do not know and I can tell you I no longer wish to wait around to find out while having my position diluted each and every month. I suspect many of the bashers will claim that this is again more dilution via Ironridge based on the $50k/month, but again, that would be inaccurate. All we know about the $50k/month is that 150 pref shares were exchanged for that long term funding agreement. The original $700k worth in debt lended to RFMK by Ironridge looks to have already been paid out in shares. If I had to guess I would imagine that this recent dilution event is likely caused by more skeletons in the closet for RFMK in regards to millions of pref shares which have a 30:1 conversion ratio and are getting converted right now, but that is just wild speculation. Who really knows when we have no audited financials or SS figures?
Also, who are you to declare that product sales will always lag expectations? Whose expectations? Yours, mine? You know the future of all potential sales for this company? Wow!
A word to the wise, this board will not tolerate constant bashing or personal attacks against shareholders or the executives, nor will it allow posts to remain which insinuate or alleged that the company is nothing other than a share selling scam, etc. Those posts are of no help to anyone following the RFMK story and will be deleted ad infinitum. Also those posters may very well get the ol' boot as well.