The point of the post was self-evident as is your explanation of an expectation of a stable/increasing pps based on the info you were privy to, but this is today, not last August/September. Today's pps is based on the present reality of the company. Great technology, too many conflicts - Mentlick, Southern, Humphries, no word on the Walter's settlement, the final PwC payment, the apparent disappearence of the Hoss, HHO fuel-cell skeptics.... While you could look at all the different structural pieces in place they have no power to convince anybody to buy the stock when even a guy like Cunetta, who is known in the trucking business and has long-standing ties, is scratching his head with the rest of management over the fact that the contracts aren't coming in with the bigger companies as expected (that was pretty much admitted to in an earlier post here - smaller contracts/yes, the big kahuna/no). At this point there is no kitchen sink to throw to the shareholder or public. If you're going to make money with this stock at this point, you better be flipping, imo.