Yeah. I guess I'm not the greatest person to have responded to a "whaddaya think about the latest news" question. I guess it's all kind of interesting and I just like the discussion. My core position is pretty relaxed, meaning the triggers to sell are not very sensitive. As far as the % I trade with, I really enjoy discussing things like this, but ultimately the market will decide the impact of the news. Yesterday it came off mixed. Whether that means most investors/traders were:
1. disappointed but waiting for more
2. undecided as to the news
3. loved the news but had no money to buy
4. hated the news but didn't sell for any reason
We just don't know. I'm sure some people sold everything. I'm sure some people bought like crazy. Some people did either of the above based on technicals, and may have not cared a bit about the PRs. One thing I did watch was massive accumulation on the bid post-news. I only call it accumulation because the majority of it happened at a price above Tuesday's close and I saw larger bid orders than I've seen in a long time. I guess what I am saying is it really doesn't matter what any of us think; it matters what the market thinks, and as of 7/5/12 it thought .0181, which was not a negative reaction, and still happens to still be in my short term loading zone. Today is another day for people to make decisions and hit the buy/sell buttons. Don't know what I'll do yet ST but my LT shares didn't even pay attention to the news.