Yap yap yap, many words, yet not much said IMO. The only thing verifiable is your own lack of sanity. FYI, you seem to love to use the "Elite" label, yet you clearly do not understand that it has always been meant as a sarcastic tip of the hat to the elite globalists of whom believe they run the world. I have made it clear many times that I am just another nothing puny retail investor, small fish fry in this market, in no way among the "Elite" I am. Slimy, mudhole? My home this is!
"Simple and Executable", ehh? "...increase revenues..."... LOL, yea, I would bet that is one of Allinders goals so not to worry in that regard. I was not insulting your intelligence, I was merely raising questions about why you are so concerned with RFMK, indeed using each and every day to attack the stock, attack the company and principles, especially on other boards claiming it is a failure and a dilution scam. We can all view your posting history, sir, so we know where you stand. Do not attempt to obfuscate the truth about your intentions, it is quite clear you are a useless BASHER and you do so for reasons which are unknown at least to me anyway. So, let me ask you again, why are you so adamant in attacking the company each and every day of your life?! It seems its a full time job for you, sir. What is your real agenda here?
Business plans are indeed specific and detailed but have you requested from Mr Allinder the actual business plan? Are you an accredited investor? Perhaps if you were to actually read the RFMK business plan you would find out that it is much more detailed and specific than your "simple and executable" generic goals of "increasing revenues". I never said you were an idiot, do not put words in my mouth, nor have I attempted to convince others of anything about you other than my opinion that you are a verifiable BASHER. IMO you provide NOTHING of any use whatsoever to the discussion important for real investors/traders here. All you spew are negative opinions and musings about your alleged future business model and "upside down" private companies you are supposedly going to take public. Such a discussion helps no one understand RFMK better or learn anything new. Perhaps if you were to provide some new byte of information, some new verifiable "DD" specific to RFMK which we all could learn from then I am sure we would all be appreciative. Until then, I am guessing many here question your real motives for trashing the stock and company on other boards and then coming here to do the same.
In order to have a basis for comparison to judge the RFMK business performance to date, we must obtain the performance metrics from the other ecig companies, rather than relying on opinionated declarations by anonymous internet board posters claiming that RFMK is underperforming the other ecig companies. Alas, we do not have access to such performance data of private companies, much less your fantasy private corp going public in the distant future. I have a sneaking suspicion we have been over this ground many many many times before, perhaps with other ecig plays?! This basher script and back and forth argumentation gets old over time, so if you are looking for somebody that doesn't know your usual tactics to drum up fear and spin lies, deceit and innuendo for your own stock flipping agenda, I suggest you go run back to other boards which seem to welcome such manipulation of sentiment with open arms.
The old useless antiquated private ecig companies with lemonade stands trying to sell generic knock off devices from China should probably be VERY CONCERNED ABOUT RFMK coming and taking over their market share. RFMK has a very strong business plan and over time you will likely witness its true power as Gary boy and all the other crony pathetic excuses for business owners cry and realize they have been checkmated. If you or Gary boy can ever "become profitable" running one of your questionable businesses then be sure to let the rest of us know, though it is likely I nor anyone else would invest in such garbage now that I know your business plan consists of one or two one line notes, labeled, "become profitable". LOL