Wow.. talk about clueless.. the right business plan would yield far better funding alternatives that the toxic BS that current RFMK CEO touts he is so against, under his veil of transparency..
then it all comes down to execution.. you and I will agree that you can have the best business plan in the universe, but it doesn't mean diddly if it isn't executed properly...
I post some simple basics, so I get accused of having a business plan on the back of a napkin.. you use more "Elite" business terminology.. so therefore you can justify making me a fool??? Do you have a Mirror??? ..Grandiose.. NO... Simple and Executable... YES!
If I am ever able to take said company public.. you sir, will indeed be one of the first I'll inform..
Then I could properly execute and simply enjoy, just "knowing" you couldn't resist watching the show..
I paid compliment to many others here by stating that I believed there were others here who I though could do the same.. instead, due to your currently less than amicable attitude.. you insult my intelligence..
As you and I both "likely" know.. (I'm beginning to question Arrogance of such an Elite Nature??) Business plans are reviewed and checked against incredibly specific business performance metrics and yield highly review-able business/performance ratios.. the better the plan.. the greater the strength of the ratios that will be yielded.. the more confidence instilled via the plan, along with the team that is going to execute it, the better an arrangement can be made for financing.. Going the Toxic Route via the Pinks is a Poor Excuse, for More Often than Not, a very Poor Business Plan...
Venture Capital, Angel Investors, DPO's, Factoring Receivable, Factoring Long Term Purchase Agreements, etc., etc., ..shall I go on..
Ya .. you just go right ahead and attempt to convince people I'm an idiot.. with all due respect.. I'd much rather the opportunity to "earn" that for myself, should that label be truly justifiable, then again.. I've heard it takes one to know one..
If your looking for somebody that doesn't know how to run a business.. I suggest you examine things a bit closer with RFMK... How many Vapes were manufactured, received by RFMK, then subsequently sold, and have been paid for???? It's "Thousands"... First "Production" units received in June 2012.. for the sake of "debate" let's call each "1 Unit/Vape" sale a Hundred Bucks... 2012 $40K in sales = 400 Units.... out of multiple "Thousands"... the failure...
Enough work should have been done "Up Front" to "KNOW" the market with proper respondents from a large enough sample of the market.. yes a simple "Survey" geesh...
Never take product to market that "Can Not Be Sold"
See a Need.. Fill a Need.. Respond to the Demand of the Market... never expect the market to respond to your demand. The latter is exactly what RFMK tried to do..
Thank you Elite and GLTU
Many of my opinions have been shared.