A big thank you and shout out goes to Cheryl Shuman for her diligent expert work getting the word out about the CANNAcig!!! She has been tweeting and blogging, video'ing and taking pictures, hobnobbing and mixing it up at all of these events, showing off the CANNAcig in all its glory! Her level of exposure for the CANNAcig cannot be stressed enough and shareholders all owe her a major debt of gratitude. All of this major marketing effort will pay off in the long run for the device and equate to realized revenues for the company which equates to strong balance sheet position which gives a higher stock valuation which puts all of us long term investors in a better place financially with owning this stock! I for one just would like to thank Cheryl for all of her dedication and amazing work getting the word out about the CANNAcig!!
THANKS Cheryl!!