
LNTC Daily Chart......... A Ton of Chatter After Friday's Huge Release
Although the indicators on the chart are overbought, there is still room to move higher. Fundamentals will almost always trump technicals, and LTNC will probably prove that this week. The company's financials are on fire, and should they execute under the current pace, LNTC could see $4.00 later this year. The pennant that's been forming since that move from the .40s to .82 has been trending between the low .60s to .82. I bought a few shares back on Friday at .70 after having sold my original .27-.29s in the mid .60s to .71. One never knows when a stock might sell off, and at the time, I felt the stock had topped out due to the technicals I've been watching. I had a chance to buy back into LTNC in the .40s/.50s but missed the entry. I would now look for a break above .82 as a major breakout. A drop below .60 after Friday's news would not be a good thing.

