May I suggest this one.....put Weaseldawg and Hazesky on your ignore list. It accomplishes the following:
1. The message board gets cleaned up for you....all the BS disappears.
2. They get a private message that you put them on ignore. If enough of us do that, they will lose their audience and may lose interest. BOMBARD them with private messages saying we aren't listening to their posts...maybe they will get the message. It certainly will frustrate them when NO ONE responds to their posts..........
3. You will feel so much less aggravated and will once again enjoy the board.
4. Real pps change won't occur until we start getting FAA approvals, the PUBLIC PRESS RELEASES begin, and the world finds out about Baltia Air Lines. Right now...there are less than 140 of us on the hub, and maybe only about 1000 actual investors in BLTA. Truly we are smaller than the bacteria on the ass of the flea living on your Great Dane. What happens on a daily basis with the pps right now is meaningless. When people start talking about us....that's when the pps and the volume will start moving, and that is when things will get exciting.
5. BTW..sorry to say this...but it still seems like 2 months away...minimum 6 weeks. I think I will spend less time on the Hub and more time enjoying my summer..............
6. Now, it is not that I only want to hear good things...the truth is, I want to hear everything...good and bad....just that I don't need to hear the same OLD news OVER and OVER and OVER again...............
Oh, by all means, continue to post positive things...especially when you see the pps dropping one day.....if nothing else, just to see what effect it has. Personally I am going to try to do less meaningless "pumping"....I am going to try to post positive truths when they come my way.....and I will continue to HOUND Igor and Barry for website words of inspiration as I truly do quite frequently.....