I-Hub Links
Here are some links regarding articles and documentation about Investors Hub (IH). Review the information and judge for yourself if you should trust the information found there to be accurate, and complete.
Also please keep in mind, IH is blatantly biased against IC Punch Media. Spending just a few minutes on the site will reveal such. However those few minutes you may spend on the site will not reveal the most insidious damage it does to the free speech and fairness concepts. What you can’t see, is the material and posts IH deletes. There appears to be an “anything goes” approach to negative posts about the company (and principles), yet they delete much of the positive posts under the guise of being “off-topic”.
As you may know, stock promoters (such as the biggie Awesome Penny Stocks) are REQUIRED to post disclosures that warn readers that they have received compensation for their promotion of the company, or, they have some relationship that would cause a conflict of interest (i.e. own shares of the company’s stock). However, because IH is simply a vehicle for the dissemination of information posted by someone other than themselves, they do not need to disclose any such conflict.
So, by deleting positive information, and seemingly encouraging the posting of outlandish, inaccurate, and outright false information, they are in essence promoting the degrading of the company.
On 1/30/2013 the founder and president of PunchTV could not sit by and watch his company be slandered any longer, so he responded by posting a rebuttal ( see it reprinted here ) – AND IH DELETED HIS POST ! Actions speak louder than words… and this action speaks volumes about IH fairness and bias.
Additionally… we would like to thank all those dedicated soles who take the time to rebut the trash that many bashers post on IH. It is truly a lost cause, however many novice investors gravitate to IH when seeking information about investing in a company. IH is a master at search engine visibility, and any search for company investment information will likely return several links to the IH boards. When a novice investor sees the trash posted on IH, and sees the overwhelming majority of the information appears to be negative, such will be a factor in their decision to invest in that company. At the very least, the appearance of controversy surrounding the stock will scare them away.
However, thankfully there are places like this site that will present the facts in a fair and balanced way, giving you the power to see the truth, and invest accordingly.
If you were to be so inclined, you may file a complaint with the SEC HERE . Although your individual complaint may not have a significant effect, receipt of thousands of complaints just might. Its a short form, that should only take you a few minutes to complete.
Stock Basher Handbook:
Complaint against Investors Hub:
O.C. stock board founder, broker (Matthew Brown) indicted for fraud:
Court Filed Factum and Motion For Final Judgment and Export of Judgment To USA: (be sure to explor the links on Page-2 of the document)
Department of Justice Lawsuit against Matthew Brown:
Final Judgement against Investors Hub:
Matthew Brown (Investors Hub principal) plea agreement:
Matthew Brown (Investors Hub principal) gets jail time:
Submissions to RipOff Report about Investors Hub:
Pissed Consumer:
SEC Complaint form:
NEW ==> Recently found site dedicated to IHub info: " is a scam": This site has a lot of information about IHub. We found some of the links to be broken, however the vast majority of the information is available for viewing