Well, Mr. Roth, the loyal long term supporters and shareholders of this company have remained tuned in for many years now to hear anything, anything at all, about anything concerning the status of the company in regards especially to the DTCC global lock, yet the station continues to only be STATIC.
I think at this point, an entire year and a half of total silence from management, shareholders have no choice but to assume that the company is no longer run by Mr. Roth and is dormant awaiting investor inflows in order to get the business up and running again. There is no doubt among consumers and investors that the product ("RE/AL") was actually a very good high quality product and had a lot of potential. The problem seemed to be that there were long standing legal issues with the ex-CEO which needed to get resolved and for some unknown and still unexplained reason, it took the FBI, SEC and justice dept two or more years to finally get around to going public with the litigation against the ex-CEO. There was a plea agreement signed by the ex-CEO in late May when the stock was at record highs and a month later the litigation followed by the global lock occurred. The question for shareholders is, why was the whole fiasco laid out in such a way so as to pull in the greatest number of investors possible right at what a few people knew would be the end? It is very suspicious in my humble opinion, as if there was a concerted effort to burn the maximum number of investors possible by way of leading them into the stock at record high prices and then dumping on them quickly with no recovery (ever) in the stock fluctuations all the way to the litigation release followed the very next day by a global lock from the DTCC. Since the global lock, only a meager couple percentages of the float worth of shares have "traded" pulling the PPS down from $0.02 to $0.0005 (under par value), apparantely because there are no buyers allowed and brokers have been ordered to not allow anyone to trade the stock; yet some small amount of volume and shuffling of shares still has occurred to pull the stock down 90%+ since the lock. IMO all of this needs to be properly explained by the SEC and/or the DTCC or FINRA. Any word from the company management would also be welcome.
Mr. Roth, shareholders "deserve" better than to be shut-out from trading AND to be kept in the dark by management with utter silence for years. Why are shareholders in time-out and being treated like criminal children? Mr. Roth, if you are not up to the task of getting SFIO out of the global lock and back up and running, with all of your alleged 40-years experience finding funding for small cap businesses and regulatory compliance, then I think it is only fair for shareholders that you step aside, retire your illicitly acquired 1M pref series A shares and allow shareholders to vote-in a new CEO to lead the company. Mr. Roth, as a CEO, you have a legal obligation in regards to your fiduciary duty to shareholders in order to provide stakeholders with reasonable information as to the status of the company and what is going on. Do your job or else retire and move out of the way. There is no shame in admitting failure and quitting. What I hope would not happen to shareholders and what I think would be one of the worst case scenarios is that you Mr Roth in the act of throwing in the towel just capitulate to some random low-ball bid for the shell by some predatory investor interest and hand over complete ownership of the company at near current prices or at near par value which would effectively destroy value for shareholders still holding onto their stakes in the company. I should hope that you continue fighting for getting the company out of this illegal lock by the powers that be and bring back value to shareholders; that is your job. If you do not like or enjoy that job, then quit and retire and let someone else have a go at shaking up the system which is what needs to happen here. If you were indeed always right about the alleged huge naked short selling attack on the stock the day of the global lock and if brokers are indeed still very much short to the tune of half the float worth of shares, then it would stand to reason that for the sake of loyal long term shareholders the company needs to move along a path so as to preserve that situation and not allow those who have failures to deliver off the hook allowing them to win by way of letting the company die on the vine or by dumping the company to a low-ball bidder at par or under par; really actually no price under say $0.02 should ever be even considered because that was the last price of the stock before this illegal global lock.
It is my opinion that the DTCC and the SEC have pursued a campaign and crack-down on OTC and PK stocks/companies in the last few years and the DTCC has taken it upon themselves to orchestrate an exchange-wide mass extinction of those penny stocks which are unfit to survive their new legitimacy constraints. There is no legal framework or precedence for what they are doing but they are doing it and it seems obvious they have the full backing from the SEC/FINRA. Basically the DTCC is globally locking any and all penny stocks they feel they have any excuse whatsoever to lock and then it is up to the company to prove itself as viable and legitimate before the lock is removed. This means YOU, Mr. Roth, YOU must ACT. You must actively engage the DTCC and the SEC to get arbitration and do what is necessary to force the DTCC to remove the lock. We cannot just expect to sit on our hands for years and hope that the DTCC will be kind enough to remove the lock just because enough time has gone by, that will never happen. If the story about the naked shorting is true, then it would stand to reason that the DTCC is PROTECTING brokerages/MMs/brokers from being forced to cover at prices dreamed up by any longs willing and able to sell their shares. This much seems obvious. If the DTCC's intention was to merely give brokers the time to cover than they would have already been made to cover by now. As we can see, there has been really hardly any volume whatsoever in the stock since the lock so not much covering is happening. Someone needs to use the Freedom of Information Act to officially request from FINRA and/or the SEC the exact daily short sales figures along with the exact FTD numbers for the SETTLEMENT DATES associated with the last two days of normal trading of the stock; June 30, 2011 and July 1, 2011. Still to this day, there has been no FTD or daily short metrics reported from SEC/FINRA for those particular dates; I find this highly suspect. What happened to those reports? Late night paper shredding session at the offices of the DTC, SEC and FINRA???!!!! We need to get to the bottom of what happened in the trading on those two days. Period.
Mr. Roth, please for the sake of loyal long term shareholders and supporters, get on the ball and give us a simple one to two sentence remark on the status of SFIO. Shareholders do not deserve to be in the dark for years at a time. If there is absolutely zero change or accomplishments from Sept 30 2011 then OK, but we need to hear that that is the case. The next question would be, WHY has absolutely NOTHING happened??!!! If it is the same excuse that the company has zero money for operations and so nothing can happen then the question is where can we possibly go from our current status?! What ever happened to the alleged sale of the subsidiary to James Denverson corp??!!!! What happened to the $1.1M???!!!!! If there is no funding in sight or no way to get a company loan or the ball rolling in any way shape or form, then STEP ASIDE, quit, retire and let the shareholders vote on what to do with the company shell. We deserve that much. We the shareholders OWN the company, not you or anyone else. It would be highly suspect should we someday hear that the company was sold for some amount under par value (likely to the very scamsters of whom short sold this stock making millions on illicit FTD stock sale transactions) without the existing shareholders having any vote or say in the matter and by a CEO of whom was never voted into power and who has effectively pulled the rug out from under shareholders by way of stealing voting power away from stockholders via the 1M pref series A self issuance along with the questionable by-laws. So much for being an INVESTORS ADVOCATE, ehhh?!! Mr Roth, do what is right, shareholders are counting on you and if you no longer want that obligation then step aside and allow shareholders their proper right to vote on the fate of the company. Do it now, shareholders demand it, or else, I can tell you that down the road there is no telling what kind of legal issues could arise from angry shareholders pursuing various lawsuits.
Do or do not, there is no try.