The MMTE saga continues. Remember, you might wish to go back and read posts #209, #211, and #213 to get a better picture and understanding of what I am about to say. It is up to you to make up your own mind, and to determine what sounds reasonable and what does not. As I stated earlier, the IFlub moderators and the pumpers are stuck in a quandary i.e., they were either lied to by William, or they themselves were lying to you and everyone on IFlub for months and months and months. This allowed some of them to get out at a profit (remember "the game" PLUTUS talked about) while most everyone else lost most or everything they invested.
They cannot have it both ways here. They either know William committed an illegal act which they were a party too, and then William did not end up doing what he secretly promised them, or the stories were made up by the people who told those stories to fool. Do I have your attention so far? Did you ever wonder why the people who told these wildly optimistic and wonderful stories never turned around and filed a lawsuit? Wouldn't they all have the "proof" that so many were looking for?
So, here we go. First, lets look at the super secret meetings and phone conference calls between just one or two individuals or with a small group of "special" investors, to the exclusion of everyone else. Lets operate, to start, under the assumption that the above was true. After all, most everyone posted how you trusted these loving and "God fearing" people who you felt were your friends and could certainly do no wrong (remember, some even claimed they sang in a choir or preached to their own congregations).
The narrative on IFlub was that William was an honorable man and that he was brilliant at business and business strategy. Very interesting, because if William truly did have these super secret meetings with only one or two people, or a small group of "special" investors to the exclusion of everyone else, then he was breaking the law and could be prosecuted. Isn't this the "proof" some have asked for? So, William could not possible be an "honorable man" as some claimed, and he certainly can't be called brilliant if he knowingly broke the law by disclosing "inside" information to only a few. And, to compound the problem, these people then posted about these secret meetings and conference calls publicly, so everyone could see the illegal acts committed, and by whom. See the problem here? Do you see the dilemma?
Did you ever ask the question: why didn't the pumpers and moderators post openly that William had lied to them? For those who remember, I very quickly posted that I realized William lied to me after the judge ruled on the Overcash lawsuit. The evidence was plain to see. But I can't blame you if you do not remember my posts, because I was attacked immediately by the moderators and pumpers, they claimed I had an agenda, and my posts were quickly deleted. I can tell you that some certainly do remember these posts, but they are now afraid to tell you.
The saga continues. Stay Tuned.