If you have not already read post #211 on this MMTE board, please do. This post sets the stage for the deceit and manipulation that followed on MMTE, and begins to lay out the blame for what went wrong. My next post will answer the question that many people have asked me, i.e., what if William really did have these super secret private meetings with only one or two individuals where all was revealed? Likewise, what if William did have phone conference calls with a small group of investors where detailed plans were laid out including mergers, business deals, future share structure, share price expectations, and such? Well, that means the moderators and big time pumpers on MMTE find themselves in a quandary, and that quandary cannot be explained without an admission that they lied. My next post will go into this more, and will explain that the moderators and pumpers on IFlub did lie, and continued to lie until most everyone but themselves lost all. Now, MMTE is at no bid, and TTXP is being pumped at great cost with very little interest from investors. Unfortunately, that bill will have to be paid too, and investors in TTXP will pay the toll with dropping share prices and no way to get out.
So, Stay Tuned.