In my humble opinion, I believe that the strength of the board for RFMK here at IH versus "other" boards is that the Mods and the regulars do not attempt to "own" the board. We do not behave and act as the "other" board does as regards being a tight-knit team of either pumpers or bashers who will actively respond to other pumpers or bashers. If that is the kind of board you are looking for then perhaps you and GoArmy and whomever else should think about just posting on other boards and not this one, though you are free to post on any board you like on the internet, but I for one am of the opinion that what is "cry-baby" and childish is to post constant negativity about the board participants collective behavior and pounding the table for the Mod(s) to get their act together and become like other boards. No. The RFMK board here at IH is open for all, it is an open forum and all should feel free to pose questions or not, opine or not, post facts or debate issues and concerns, but do not attack the board itself, the Mods or the collective behavior of all posters on the board just because some posters here will not allow lies, innuendo or deceit to spin their way into the various conversations. Do not attempt to attack others and make insinuations that their intentions were to purely deceive by way of manipulation of words, when really, the falsities were borne from your own misunderstandings. It's fine to be wrong and it's fine to ask the tough questions and hold a negative sentiment for RFMK and/or management, but straight out deception via spreading falsities or constant suggestive wording as to spin sentiment your way is frowned upon. It's actually that simple.
Surely, there are posters here who can answer the questions you raise. If not, then I will take a go at them. Then again, if we are strictly confining ourselves to the truth and if the information we seek is "factual" and "verifiable" then I should think such information would be readily available via filings and other official documents on the internet for investors to acquire and share. In other words, asking rhetorical questions in order to pounce on them with more bashing and spin is frowned upon in my view. The share structure metrics are what they are, anyone can open up the filings from several years back and as for the current SS, I believe that the O/S is about 1.6B (or thereabouts) shares, while the restricted is at maybe 245M so do the math on the float and perhaps it is something like 1.35B. We cannot exactly know for sure who holds the restricted shares or if any of the company principles have received any shares for compensation because we do not have the audited 10K filing, yet. My understanding about Cheryl Shuman's situation is that she has not ever received a dime nor any shares from RFMK for her work, but I have no way to prove that.
This is not the iScum and the format can be criticized time and again but it will not change. There are no "leaders" here ramming down a particular viewpoint or actively pushing a particular agenda. Sure, I myself and a few others here have strong perspectives and we openly share them but in the end we wish for investors to do their own DD and do not rely on what is merely stated on a internet message board. Though remember the basics; if the post contains falsities which the poster adamantly wishes to push as the truth then expect those false assumptions to be attacked by various posters on the board and do not get bent out of shape when they do, if the post contains direct attacks or accusations about speculation that the company executives are scamsters or diluting directly to pocket investor funds, or to otherwise suggest or make insinuations that the company and stock are no more than a "verifiable" share selling scam, then IF such posts are constant (24/7), they may wind up getting deleted (or at least some or most of them).
I agree that the statement, "I do not know..." is not used often enough in modern society.
Do or do not, there is no try.