The whole point in posting "questions" for a challenge or for fun, is to eventually post an answer (if indeed you have one) for all to see, whether it is for RFMK or not. I actually appreciated your effort and engaged.. as did Fitzcartz.. we both provided you correct answers, but you did not acknowledge..
If one does not know the answer to a question.. they should simply state "I do not know"..
"A declaration of ignorance is a wondrous expression in humility" BeauBeau 02/22/2013
EliteYoda, Howiesjules, and others.. can anybody here answer any part of theses RFMK DD questions I have asked?
when people visit the "Board" and ask questions... a good strong team has answers up right away... whether it is considered "Good" information... or "Bad"... It always about that information being "Factual" or "Verifiable"... period.