Good post. Respect is something we have pretty much lost in our country. I know, as well as you, that things happen. But if some kind of projection has been made, and it is not met, I think respect suggests a new projection without necessarily filling in all of the blanks. To just be silent leaves us to do all kinds of dot connecting and does ot show respect to us shareholders in my opinion. From what I am dot connecting now, it sounds like major fleet deals will not start happening until probably the second quarter. Which would mean not much revenue in this quarter. If that is true, then I would rather know that now than May 15th when 1st quarter financials come out. Trust is earned thru two people having a relationsip. Trust, thru info being released on a message board is no substitute for a PR released by the company. After an email was released expecting 100miln in sales this year, I emailed someone at HY IMPACT and respectfully asked that the info be released in a PR. To their credit, they did. If they are going to do 100 million this year, then I would expect it to start out 5 to 10 million in the first quarter with substantially more, say 20 million in 2nd quarter and so on.I'm just saying I want a relationship with HLNT. If I loaned 10's of thousands of dollars to someone, I would like to know how it was going to be repaid. I don't believe it is wrong to expect some communicaton from the company I have invested in. I see integrity in the letter from Mr. Coats that was on IHUB. He mentioned being taken on a stock. He knows what it is like to be on the wrong side of a trade. I don't know anything about the stock he mentioned, but I bet there was a whole lot of fluff pumping going on. I know he does not want to repeat that-to release something for the sake of releasing something. But with all the dates that have been put forth-from Thanksgiving on, I would think it would not be out of order to help us with a time frame that is realistic. I am looking forward to a long relationship with HLNT, but it takes two. Silence, I don't believe, helps us. Let's move on with a relationship. My very best to you, Jim
Posted On: 02/19/2013 3:11:35 PM
Post# of 6596
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