James719-First off I want to applaud you on your respectful, well thought contributions to the message board. Your support as an investor, along with your concerns and unanswered questions are in line with many of us-IMO. Many are saying more transparency from company (definitely makes sense), we want current update information good or bad (we can take it!) has been said by many, including me.
Questions arise for me, as a publicly traded stock there has to be a very tight balance HLNT needs to take to keep shareholders "happy". Just think if it was publicly announced way back while working out the "kinks", that the hho units had vibration and leak issues or if a major fleet backed out (hypothetical) with no other news following it. Shareholders would jump ship, even long term shareholders. Don't know the answers but believe it is very complex. Human nature, right or wrong, we tend to need a carrot dangling in front of us (a little rah! rah! or boost) to keep moving in the same direction.