That little Green Man.. is your biggest mistake.. as I had said before.. information may be old, but when one cumulatively acquires "All" the pieces then lays it all out on the canvas for everybody to see.. a far more clear picture is painted.
from the 2011 RFMK Annual Report:
Part E Issuance History
Item 17 List of securities offerings and shares issued for services in the past two years.
The following events resulted in changes in total shares outstanding by the issuer in the
past two year period ending on the last day of the issuer’s most recent fiscal year and since the
last day of the issuer’s most recent fiscal year:
During fiscal 2011, we issued 466,480,000 shares of stock. Of this amount, 100,000,000 was issued to its
officer (Mike Amezquita was the sole officer) for services valued at market which was .01, resulting in an
expense of $1,220,000 as shown on the statement of operations under stock for services. 327,000,000
shares of stock were issued from the conversion of 10,900,000 shares of preferred stock, and the balance or
39,480,000 shares were issued for cash not yet received of $250,100.
During fiscal 2010, we issued 212,710,000 shares of stock, of which 150,000,000 shares were for services
to Mike Amezquita rendered valued at the market price of the stock on the date of issuance for $3,750,000.
An additional 10,000,000 shares of stock were issued to Brent Fouch valued at $250,000 on the date of
issuance. The company also converted preferred shares into common shares of 52,710,000. During 2010
the Company received $250,100 in funding for shares eventually issued in 2011 of 39,480,000.
Each of the above securities offerings or transactions was made by officers and directors
of the issuer and was not a registered offering. The offerings relied upon an exemption under
Regulation S or Rule 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The shares in these
offerings or transactions were restricted (i.e., not freely tradable); and the certificates evidencing
such shares contained a legend (1) stating that the shares have not been registered under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and (2) setting forth or referring to the restrictions on
transferability and sale of the shares under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
well... more pieces to the puzzle.. are Trends reliable???
See below and think about how many more shares will need o be issued in 2013... we're off to an accelerated pace, are we not???
see 2010 shares Issued 212,710,000
see 2011 shares Issued 466,480,000
see 2012 shares Issued 838,000,000 (roughly)
see 2013 shares Issued 165,000,000 (so far) many many more share to be issued as I believe that 140 Million of those shares issued in 2013 so far, were residual requirements to meet only the first part of the IRG agreement... who knows... may still be more???
I use this piece from the RFMK 2011 Annual Report as my basis for making above claim:
In order for the Company to meet its basic financial obligations, including salaries and normal operating expenses, it plans to sell additional units of its products, and to seek additional equity or debt financing. The Company has a commitment for $1,500,000 in financing from Ironridge Global, an international fund, in the form of preferred equity purchase, with the first tranche of $50,000 due and payable in March 2013, with 29 subsequent monthly tranches thereafter of $50,000. The Company cannot assure this will be adequate financing to meet the needs of the Company over the next 12 months or through the 2.5 years of payments due.
I have yet to have anybody respond to my claims with what I would refer to as quality rebuttals to dispute my claims and or speculative opinions.. instead I have been belittled by those who are so blind that they will tout RFMK until they are blue in the face.. continuing to ignore the "Hard Truth" about RFMK..
1. Where is the 10-K?
2. Where is the Dried Blends Vape?
3. Where are the Q4 2012 earnings?
4. Heck.. Where are the Vapes and what's there Status?
5. Where is the News?
6. Where is, at the very least, a shareholder update?
7. and "All" that is implied and "To Be Continued"