I have been patiently awaiting a bivens action on another stock that filed 3.8 trillion lawsuit many years ago. Even though progress seems to have been made while we have had to wade through the ever changing list of bashers, nay sayers and such, there has always been the lurking statute of limitations. There is talk of the suit amount held in trust, possibly with the DTC, there is speculation it is tied to WGS and the implementation of basel III, possibly financed by the re-val of global currencies, and there is even still a transfer agent associated with it even though it has been delisted throughout the whole saga. Yet we still wait. At first the SOL (curiously similar acronym for being just that... SOL) was way off in the future and people in high positions within the banking sector as well as the collection of alphabet soup bureaucracies were either transferred, dismissed or incarcerated. With each small skirmish won the clock kept ticking, and now the SOL is upon us and there is a very real possibility that all we will have to show for our “patients” is a worthless certificate! So in life I agree that patients may be a virtue, but it is hardly an effective legal strategy as time relentlessly marches on, especially within our legal system which operates in it’s excruciating hurry up and wait mode.