I agree with rza's main point though I still can see what you are saying about the high OTC fees. Then again, dumping say ~130M new shares at the 200 DMA would yield approx $270,000 so IMO more than enough to pay for corporate business items for the foreseeable future, including reporting costs or paying a small auditing and accounting firm to successfully accomplish an audit. But here we all are, mid Feb 2013 and I was originally under the impression back in late August that we were potentially weeks or at max a few months away from the filing of an audited 10K. What's next? Is management going to decide that its actually more beneficial to wait for Q1 numbers and then report during the summer, etc etc etc??!!!
Where is the audited 10K?!
IMO this is becoming very concerning as a loyal long term shareholder. Or how about just an unaudited Q4 financial report to the OTC website?! It's a PDF document! Email me the numbers on the books, it will take me about 4 to 5 hours to whip up a report!! LOL
I personally think the bashers are wrong about RFMK, I do NOT think it is a dilution scam but I will agree to some extent that as far as the audit and 10K filing is concerned, the promises are looking more and more like a "dangling carrot" everyday. It is frustrating for loyal longs to have to admit the time delay since mid Aug 2012 and realize that we have not received a shareholder update in over a month all the while the O/S continues to move up with no explanations from managmenet; albeit the dilution is on a small scale IMO. It's a mixed picture at best at the moment. I do see vast potential for this company though and the stock is an entirely seperate animal and has no bearing on the company whatsoever; just an MMs and flippers play toy, that much we know by way of tracking the daily short metrics and volume. As a loyal shareholder I would love to learn about new corporate progress and plans but I would really enjoy READING about it in an AUDITED 10K!!! hint hint, wink wink.
"Where's the beef?!"