I used "we" in reference to hearing about more activity. You seem to be suggesting that you have heard about more activity. So share.
On the other hand you go on to say "I would assume"...
That is the issue. We are always left assuming. Typically assuming the best when it is not.
I'm tired of constantly being disappointed by unmet expectations. It would not be so bad if they would just be up front about the issues. I don't think there are any insurmountable issues. They have a great team of engineers working them out.
Just be more transparent with the shareholders.
Maybe this time things will be different. I'm just not getting a sense that they will be based on the lack of any reports of significant activity at the plant. I'm talking about 24/7 type of activity. The type of activity that would be required to indicate that the two processors are running continuously.
Will they really use the excuse that assembling the third processor was the reason for the other two not being able to run? That is not something they would have known about ahead of time?