Please check your alerted prices below for your pick. Let me know if this information needs to be updated. I base the alerted price off of the opening on Monday (or in this weeks case, Tuesday) using the results from my eTrade quote streaming. If the opening trade alters the price too substantial I use other websites to get an accurate alerted price (typically using the closing price of the previous week). Errors can be made using this manual method so please double check your picks alerted price and message me of any changes that need to be made. The alerted price will become the official alerted price after closing bell today so make changes known prior to 4PM ET. Thanks.
1() ANDI picked by finishsuper - Alerted Price $0.0021 - High of the Week $0.0026 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , ANDI DD , ANDI News
1() APGS picked by sevenOdouble - Alerted Price $0.09 - High of the Week $0.11 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , APGS DD , APGS News
1() APRE picked by Raiders - Alerted Price $0.015 - High of the Week $0.018 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , APRE DD , APRE News
1() ASYI picked by ChartMyStock - Alerted Price $0.0013 - High of the Week $0.0013 - MVP Contest Gain 0% - ASYI ChartMyStock , Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , ASYI DD , ASYI News
1() AUCI picked by Megan - Alerted Price $0.0024 - High of the Week $0.0024 - MVP Contest Gain 0% - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , AUCI DD , AUCI News
1() BCAP picked by Bridge Jumper - Alerted Price $0.0003 - High of the Week $0.0003 - MVP Contest Gain 0% - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , BCAP DD , BCAP News
1() BLVT picked by Alex_Ambition - Alerted Price $0.0023 - High of the Week $.0024 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , BLVT DD , BLVT News
1() BTDG picked by Kazorchian * - Alerted Price $0.0004 - High of the Week $0.0006 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , BTDG DD , BTDG News , Additional DD
1() CHDO picked by gramps1942 - Alerted Price $0.012 - High of the Week $0.012 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , CHDO DD , CHDO News
1() CLNO picked by Stock Buff - Alerted Price $0.0439 - High of the Week $0.0443 - MVP Contest Gain% - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , CLNO DD , CLNO News
1() DNAD picked by Angel * - Alerted Price $0.0037 - High of the Week $0.004 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , DNAD DD , DNAD News
1() EBIG picked by tb165 - Alerted Price $0.058 - High of the Week $0.07 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , EBIG DD , EBIG News
1() GEAR picked by PhilCheeze - Alerted Price $0.021 - High of the Week $0.0235 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , GEAR DD , GEAR News
1() GBVS picked by captgor - Alerted Price $0.0029 - High of the Week $0.0039 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , GBVS DD , GBVS News
1() GNOM picked by Joe1979 - Alerted Price $3.08 - High of the Week $3.20 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , GNOM DD , GNOM News
1() HRDN picked by equijohn - Alerted Price $0.0003 - High of the Week $0.0003 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , HRDN DD , HRDN News
1() HLNT picked by fitzkarz - Alerted Price $0.0042 - High of the Week $0.0055 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , HLNT DD , HLNT News
1() ICPA picked by perchy - Alerted Price $ 0.033- High of the Week $0.034 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , ICPA DD , ICPA News , Additional DD
1() IDVC picked by RAJJ - Alerted Price $0.0019 - High of the Week $0.0036 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , IDVC DD , IDVC News , Additional DD
1() ISIM picked by lucyinthesky - Alerted Price $0.0008 - High of the Week $0.0008 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , ISIM DD , ISIM News
1() JBII picked by Balzar_Shweddy - Alerted Price $1.41 - High of the Week $1.49 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , JBII DD , JBII News , JBII Website
1() MHYS picked by jme85 - Alerted Price $0.0008 - High of the Week $0.001 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , MHYS DD , MHYS News
1() MMTC picked by Chartman17 - Alerted Price $0.002 - High of the Week $0.002 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , MMTC DD , MMTC News
1() NBRI picked by bruce the stock guy - Alerted Price $0.07 - High of the Week $0.07 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , NBRI DD , NBRI News
1() OREO picked by jstops - Alerted Price $0.432 - High of the Week $0.45 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , OREO DD , OREO News
1() RCFEF picked by Zardiw - Alerted Price $0.0422 - High of the Week $0.0422 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , RCFEF DD , RCFEF News
1() RENU picked by Perform4u - Alerted Price $0.003 - High of the Week $0.003 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , RENU DD , RENU News
1() RTGV picked by pennymonkey - Alerted Price $0.0034 - High of the Week $0.0034 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , RTGV DD , RTGV News
1() TDEY picked by AAAAMHIM * - Alerted Price $0.0024 - High of the Week $0.0027 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , TDEY DD , TDEY News
1() TYTN picked by jojofla - Alerted Price $0.0205 - High of the Week $0.0205 - MVP Contest Gain % - Daily Chart , Weekly Chart , TYTN DD , TYTN News
^Numbering left of the stock pick represents current rank (previous rank)
^ IH MVP Contest Gain % Calculation = ((High of Week - Alerted Price)/Alerted Price)
*Member who previously had a winning MVP contest pick (the number of * represent the number of times the member has won the MVP weekly contest)
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