I know what you mean-among other degrees, I have a full degree in accounting summa and have pushed long and hard on the financial reporting -nothing more I can do on that. We had indications financials would be filed after Dec 31 qtr-see posted emails on other board-so I'm guessing 3 things could hold them up:
1) a lot of things changed in Dec when Bao (it presumably was Bao)paid for 60k tons of ore-Bob said the ore was sold in Dec--the 36 k tons of order 3 which was going to be picked up before or after Christmas holidays plus the 24k ton 4th order which was then apparently not even trucked yet-
which seems to indicate Bao was advancing funds against shipment-recent equipment additions also support that theory-the alternative is partial ownership by Bao or JV w Bao or some other large investment-just using logic as usual-no insider info-I've always been able to connect dots others couldnt even as a young child that adults couldnt connect.
so financials may be hostage to NDA until Bao is comfortable w its exclusive position w CWRN -analogous to Real estate agents being unwilling to list a house unless they have their vaunted advertised "exclusive listing"- which makes it sound like they are dealing w state secrets-and if this NDA reason is the reason, Bob may be very frustrated by the situation also, for he may feel he cant even give the reason because of a NDA.
2) our resident auditor marionthis said the 60k tons ore Bao paid for -which hasnt shipped yet -cant be recorded as revenue for auditing purposes until buyer picks it up-so until that happens ore is simply counted as inventory at cost w some entry/footnotes to explain the receipt of funds from the ore and some odd entry to balance the financials-I never had such an experience
3) I'm so tired cant remember 3rd reason but I've posted it several times before.
I know people and others do also-who due to lifes circumstances- will lose their homes etc unless pps gets moving (via financials to allow others waiting for financials to invest and ease broker restrictions) because they are way underwater and believed promises of over a year ago re "a major move" -backed up by the May 26 2011 PR re uplisting to OTCQB-how can you win when you find a RARE penny that is successful operationally and yet your investment plummets to a small fraction of what you pay because of all these games.
so I spent hundreds of hours based on additional hundreds of hours research defending Bob and the lengthy process required to uplist and now it increasingly looks like my good name and honor has been compromised by relying on promises due to delay in financials and uplisting without any updates since the May 26 2011 PR.
What makes things more difficult for many of us in the penny market is almost all of our stocks have been held hostage by the never before seen and thus could not be predicted perfect storm of otc/dtc/mm/shorters/broker games/restrictions/manipulation without warning AFTER we purchased the stocks (which is like declaring something illegal retroactively and holding people liable for it),
which imo is a due process/interference/taking etc violation but my hands are already full pro bono as a RARE good guy w major justice battles w every catch 22 you could imagine and then some that benefit 100's of millions of people- but I 'm getting to the point of being tired of being a giver without ever getting anything back-if I help any more people-the reason I got into this-I'll be dead. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished. So theres my rant as we are all taking our turns.