O.K. Guys, I don't mean to throw a wet towel on the "Boys with Big Toys" thing, but what about Sales, Revenues, the pps, etc. It may be getting hot in Mexico but the share price is settling in for a cool hybernation.
I mean it's nice to have all of this equipment but are we racking up huge debt or are these Big Toys purchased from profits resulting from sales? Howa 'bout an income statement or even better yet a "Source and Use of Funds" statement that shows where all the money that we don't know about is going to what we can see.
Just askin'... don't get me wrong, I'm long and strong with almost 1 million shares. I'd like to have the confidence to make the amount I own over a million but right now I can't justify it due to the lack info. Sorry, can't help it...it's the accountant in me.
Have a great weekend all,