Actually, I would disagree with you. I have, in essence, lost money without selling a single share. The cost of owning TECO for myself, and probably everyone else here is the opportunity cost. I'm sure we can all name many other stocks we should have bought and made money. We lost that opportunity by buying TECO up until now. I have almost 2 million shares and my average cost is quite a bit higher than today's price. I do believe that it will do well for me in the long haul, but I also wish I had either bought another stock, or even waited until now to buy my shares of TECO.
Who here doesn't?
Now, it is up to Gwyn and the boys to show that they can run an oil business. So far, I believe we have been watching on the job training, but that has to stop.
I am not selling a share, but I won't buy another until I see a sign that it is worth buying. Given the lower volumes and the continuous decline in share price, it appears that I am not alone.