fertilizer-emphasis added-I did some calculations in the stickies-I dont know the ratio of 0-1mm to 0-3 mm etc anymore either which is why we cant accurately calculate inventory-but I present these as a reminder,which you may be familiar with but I'm sure some have forgotten
Screen no. 1) 10mm top deck 3mm bottom deck, feeds over 10mm back to Cone Crusher and feeds 3mm to 10mm over to the magnetic separator, material less than 3mm goes over to Screen no. 2) Top Deck 3mm Bottom Deck 1mm Speed-harp, which feeds 1-3mm over to magnetic separator, overs are stacked from other side belt and materials less than 1-mm go out the front and are stockpiled. Next step, the Trommel will screen 0-1mm with 0.05mm 8’ dia X 30’ long gaint Screen to remove dirt and leave 0.05mm to 1mm chips, the materials less than 0.05mm will then be used for organic fertilizer, the iron chips will be sold as DRI Pellet feed-stocks , once the large stockpiles of 0-1mm are screened, the Trommel will moved over in front of Screen no. 2 to catch those materials as they are produced……. Hope that explains the Screening steps…