From that site the last posted free market prices-international ore has 3 grades now 58%, 62% and apparently a new 66% index I'd never seen before-here on Jan1 62% ore was 146.85 -- usually get a premium of $5/ton for each % above main bench of 62%
CWRN's posted independent lab test was for 64.5 % for iron ore, fertilizer -which is waste of waste is tested at 55.42-55.92%-I and Rocket have previously posted those lab test- CWRN's outcrops often test at 67%
I and others have posted articles showing that Chinas very poor ore has dropped from an average of 20% (12-13-10 agmetalminer) to 15%-and it is the marginal cost of China (reportedly 100 to as high as 180-see previous posts/articles-some underground and some as low as 4%) and other venue's iron that logically is keeping iron from falling much lower absent unusual circumstances- CLF 's Canadian cash costs(excluding amortization etc) are 106/ton,similar w Fortescues marginal costs-some majors went stark raving mad in pushing marginal production-banking on high spring 2011 prices peaking at 192/ton(best source)
MBIOI 1 January 2012 - Index flat at $146.85/tonne
01 JANUARY 2013
MBIO62 Index 1/1/2013 $146.85/tonne
$ Change +$0.00/tonne
MBIO58 Index 1/1/2013 $131.44/tonne