Still looking for an uplisting to OTCBB as per May 26 2011 PR but as per new Nasdaq standards
IF IF IF CWRN had a pps of 3 dollars,they would soon qualify-as far as I can see, under the
1) equity standard because they will have a 2 year operating history as of somewhere from August to Nov 5, 2012 as production began Aug 2010 and the Nov 5 2010 PR announced full production.
2)and the net income standard as net income was far beyond the 750k standard-net income from each order and or ship exceeds that as per publicly posted spot prices and jr miners costs
and would qualify under the $2 pps standard except for the 50 million market value of stock
This change in Nasdaq listing requirements had CWRN and its lawyers excited in a meeting when this became public knowledge as previously reported by Rocket?
Doesnt mean CWRN will be on Nasdaq very soon but makes it far more attainable-
Would need either a 2 year operating history under the 3 dollar standard or a 50 million market cap under the 2 dollar standard-either way would require a r/s but doing so for an uplisting is a completely different animal than the r/s pennytraders are familiar with-and uplisting will put srtrong upward pps pressure due to vastly increased pool of investors and due to escaping much of the manipulation of pink stocks.
(At present 4.361 B O/S at 50 million cap would be .011465 pps-but of course pps would have to be a min 2 dollars).
Longs-am I missing anything? Almost feels like I might be -but on its face as per the new quoted listing standards, if there are no other standards for 2 or 3 dollar pps other than which is listed,there shouldnt be any other listing roadblocks.