Hey Bio.I got your Yahoo email about the GOP and the poor older citizens and taxes.I am responding here because you bring up an issue that is haunting everybody.I am in no way defending the GOP even though I am a Republican and I am not here with a solution either.Just want to point out the "real issue"that the news does not cover but common sense should pick up on.
We transitioned from a nation of single provider families with 3 or more kids to 2 income families with fewer kids.Even back in the 70's up to the present the population has not really changed that much.We are still in the 300M arena and as a result (Birth control , abortions , etc)the mean age of the population has gotten older and older.Back in "the day"a retiree had numerous younger people paying into social security to support "him".That # has dwindled down to a "handful" and is getting smaller by the day.
Population growth (or lack of decline) has been maintained by , not increased births here but increased influxes of immigrants and even illegal immigrants.Most of whom have put an additional tax on the social services system.The system as we know it is broke or close too it.
Taxing the "rich" more? If so,it is only a short term fix.People don't work all their lives to be rich so that Government can take it away and give it to others.Why become rich if you can't keep it?
To make matters worse,companies like CTIX and the MAG 7 and other breakthrough companies will extend the lifespans of all us old-farts well beyond the intended ability of Social Security to provide for us.
Fewer SS supporters and more recipients (living much longer) with a shrinking manufacturing base and less growth in the private sector due to the shrinking labor and workforce numbers of well trained people with no incentive to "live the American Dream " and be rich but instead to live paycheck to paycheck with dwindling investing capital is what we are all facing.
Yes CTIX will make us all rich.But living in a 3rd world country.
To fix this problem starts with the educational system.Teaching American History,Government,and the Constitution as was back in the "Stone Age".Patriotism.Creating a news media that actually "informs" the public so they can make informed decisions when voting.Creating an environment where one parent can be home with their children and raise them according to their family values and mores.Not leaving it up to someone to care for them who doesn't share the same values.(A paid child care provider will not and can not give your child what a parent can do out of love).(Might solve the wacko school shootings).Putting GOD back in the public view where the "Founders"had in the past.(If God-speak is unconstitutional,why did the writers of the Constitution keep God on public display?Violating their own writings)
The government has allowed the public to "raid the treasury".Charity needs to go back to the private sector (Churches , etc).Government needs to get out of micro managing homelife by social workers and schools need to teach academics,not social engineering and "multiculturalism.Child abuse is a terrible thing but I should not have to fear a DHHS "Swat Team"showing up on my doorstep because I paddled "Johnnies"ass or sent him to bed without supper for swearing at the table.It is not up to the United Nations to tell me what constitutes child abuse or how to raise a child.
Our dwindling birthrates and increasing government intrusion into our homes and wallets are killing this country.I hate to say it but how many Births were prevented because of our attitudes over the last 40 years?If these human beings were allowed to live,we would not have a problem with Social Security nor would we have a problem with diminished manufacturing in this country.
We can blame the GOP,we can blame Democrats.Most of all,we as citizens have to blame ourselves for allowing our institutions to decay to where they are now."WE the People" own this country."WE the People"let down our guard and let the "Foxes in" to spoil the grape vines."WE the PEOPLE" elected the SCHMUCKS that are commandeering our resources and throwing our "Pearls before Swine".