Thanks for researching. I purposefully ask some research questions in posts to involve people to research-cant remember them all but- how many years estimated iron reserves does world have. What is the relationship between volcanic activity and iron-are most iron mines associated w volcanic or iron bands formed in some other way-what is history of volcanic re cwrn's area of baja-highesr pt of baja -devils peak at over 10k feet is a short ways away-somebody mentioned they thought veins associated w magma flows-if so how deep do such veins usually go, is it likely to run into water at sea level (when they drill to sea level) 7 miles inland in a desert separated from the ocean by 7 -10 miles?
I guess the best things to research might be something that actually helps the company-grajekk does that w equipment-I dont know what those things would be because I'm not in the iron business and bob knows a 1000 times more about mining than I do. Perhaps Bingo could relay things for the good guys to research.