If they are AON orders, most likely it is someone stacking the ask and not really wanting to sell. The thing is now BCAP is not a flippers paradise. With volume so low it would be a slow process and that is not how flippers work. My guess is their is a large naked short position here and they want to scare off investors by creating a large ask so they can buy real shares at 1 or 2 to cover what they don't really have. Normally with an ask that large a small order like mine would be filled almost instantly, yet it took almost 10 minutes. If people really wanted out at three they would be scrambling to sell them, even partials. The second posibility is they are air shares (not really there or a fake wall) again ment to discourage would be investors. You can tell by the recent onslaught of BS that people are getting nervous. This is a good sign, but they are also gonna do what they can to cover as many as possible at lower prices. When Matt PRs his next move, the shit is gonna hit the fan but for now they have the luxury of low volume and little interest. I just play around from time to time to test the waters and see what the real deal is. I also don't mind getting a few cheap shares. I wish more people would join in, but I understand that evryone can't. We are just going to sit and wait, which bores me to death. I am going to go check out the big boards, they are still pretty interesting. I am watching Ford, if they drop below eleven I am going to get some more of that action. Good luck guys and gals!